The creation and launch of ‘The Winston Smith Library of Victory and Truth’ was only possible through self-funding and generous in-kind and monetary help from like-minded supporters and believers in the project. To realise the future tour and ensure the long-term future of ‘the library’ we will need new funds and new supporters.
If you are an individual who would like to make a donation you can do so via our Sum-Up account via the link below. If you donate please drop us a message via [email protected] we’d love to hear from you and keep in touch.
If you represent an organisation, institution or business who may be interested in funding, sponsoring or collaborating with touring the project, or hosting us, please do get in touch via [email protected] We are also looking for suggestions and offers of venues we can tour to.
Thank you in advance for your support, belief and donation, it means a lot.
Hans K Clausen